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The butterfly and the banana skin

The banana skin lay slap blast in the street. Tommy a jail superintendent, riding his bicycle on his way once more from the shops. Where he ...

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Detailed Notes on National Junior Honor Society Essay Samples in Step by Step Order

Detailed Notes on National Junior Honor Society Essay Samples in Step by Step Order What Everybody Dislikes About National Junior Honor Society Essay Samples and Why There will be a number of pursuits that will help not just our school but in addition members of the community and others who're in need of assistance. To begin with, you ought to know the principal advantages of being a true member of the NHS society. Active members have their distinctive story which makes them unique. You must now worry about where to find the guidelines and the steps of being a member of this prestigious society. Being a real leader might get you far. Being he is one of the many qualities that you should have to be in NJHS. Being he gives me the opportunity to work in a team and consider my peers' ideas to make our plans creative and enjoyable for everyone. Being a great leader means being a superb servant. Getting the Best National Junior Honor Society Essay Samples Everyday I follow the identical routine. The goal is a written presentation of yourself to show that you're a possible candidate for membership owing to your special abilities. You can discover the activities associated with your upcoming occupation and job. There are lots of pursuits that interest me. You're able to also elaborate on strategies you're likely to use to make certain you realize the educational milestones and emerge as the very best student. Always make sure that you don't introduce new points in the conclusion as you might drop some marks. For this step, think of what accomplishments demonstrate that y ou satisfy the criteria for the NJHS. Only the best students become accepted. Most Noticeable National Junior Honor Society Essay Samples Seeking qualified aid to edit online your paper holds far more advantages let's take a peek at them, together with the problems most students experience when working on their papers. Financial need is going to be taken under consideration also. Nowadays you possess the chance to demonstrate your potential and a strategy to accomplish success throughout long classes and studying at home. In the event you need assistance with your English paper, we're always prepared to provide that help! Your National Honor Society essay is a powerful tool which will permit you to grow to be a member of a very prestigious organization in america. State your primary reason to develop into a member of the group. Being inducted in the National Honor Society would not just be a privilege, but nevertheless, it would be an honor. The main aim of your National H onor Society essay is to reveal you from the very best side and help you show that you're eligible to be a member of this authoritative organization. Leadership is among the most crucial traits to have not just in school but outside too. Some Faculty Councils may want to interpret leadership in relation to the variety of offices held in school or community organizations. Finding the Best National Junior Honor Society Essay Samples Once you have submitted your purchase and uploaded the paper, our writers start bidding for it, and you'll be able to select the writer you want. Put simply, there are particular terms you must accept and use as a way to be prosperous in this subject. Conversely, you might reach our group of competent writers who can suggest for you the most acceptable topic that's in tandem with your targets. The overall goal of academic writing is to present information to be able to display a crystal clear comprehension of a specific subject. All is possible if you'd like to buy a paper since there are many essayA writing services where you find writers with perfect abilities and qualities who can assist. We ll, it's high time to compose an interview essay to be ready for entering a college. There are lots of students who have a hard time when tasked with writing essays and research projects just because they don't understand the demands of academic writings and, consequently, what they are requested to produce. A good deal are shocked to learn their grades when they receive their papers. Writing recommendation letters is an enormous responsibility that ought to be taken seriously. This piece of text will attempt to explain exactly what this essay is about and provide you some crucial strategies on what you have to do to write it correctly. This text will act as a national honor society essay example and will demonstrate one of the potential approaches to write it correctly. It can be used as a national junior honor society application essay example as well.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Fallacy of Love Songs - 653 Words

â€Å"You’re whole life waiting on a ring to prove you’re not alone† are the words that P!nk wails in her hit song, Glitter in the Air (Moore). It’s an accurate lyric depicting our culture’s near obsession with the search for true love. Our desire to bring it to fruition here and now, no matter what the cost. Most importantly, true love sells. Write the next big wedding song and you can count on royalties for years to come. Sing it and your voice becomes iconic. As long as it feels good, who cares if true love isn’t told in the truest fashion. â€Å"Unconditional, unconditionally, I will love you, unconditionally† is the chorus from Katy Perry’s latest song, Unconditional (Perry). Ideally, this song is meant to be an ode to finding that perfect someone who can accept and love us for who we really are, but real love can often tell a different story. Peterson and Thompson explain that â€Å"failure to understand the differences b etween ‘falling in love’ and ‘real love’ and how the transition from the former to the latter occurs have resulted in many broken and unhappy marriages† (Petersen 16). This idea of unconditional love seems ideal, but brings a darker side with it. In our current pop culture, Rihanna has demonstrated what could be called a form of unconditional love. After her partner, Chris Brown, physically abused her, a few years later, she walked back into a relationship with him. The decision of returning was made on the basis of love and emotions. Most people would look at thisShow MoreRelatedHomosexuality in Same Love by Macklemore with Ryan Lewis and Mary Lambert1006 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"My love, she keeps me warm.† Without context, these song lyrics have no impact or power behind them. However, if told that these words were sung by a female vocalist, and preceded by the lyrics â€Å"I can’t change, even if it tried, even if I wanted to,â⠂¬  suddenly the words have meaning as a woman sings of her love for another woman (Haggerty, Lewis, Lambert, 2102). These lyrics come from the 2012 song â€Å"Same Love† by Macklemore with Ryan Lewis and featuring Mary Lambert. In the song â€Å"Same Love,† MacklemoreRead MoreAnalysis Of Sam Smith s Lay Me Down984 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction to Argumentation (COMS-40) Song Analysis Sam Smith’s â€Å"Lay Me Down† is one of my favorite Sam Smith songs. His album is full of masterpieces, but I prefer this song. â€Å"Lay Me Down† does not only have an attractive melody but it also implies meaningful messages through its lyrics and music video. Smith delivers the song with such heart and experiences. This allows the audience to relate to the lyrics. This paper will analyze my perception of this song by covering three main points: ProvidingRead MoreBattle Hymn Of The Tiger Mother By Amy Chua1097 Words   |  5 PagesChinese parents do care about their children and that they would do anything for them the succeed. She gives another example about her daughter Lulu: she forced Lulu to play a song on the piano for hours and hours and Lulu hated her, but then she finally got it and didn t want to stop playing. She expresses that all parents love their children, they just parent in different ways. Response Amy Chua, author of the book â€Å"Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother†, wrote about the differences between Western andRead MoreChristina Rossettis : Song Essay1623 Words   |  7 PagesChristina Rossetti’s ‘Song’: Death and grief. Love and tragic loss are key themes of the Pre-Raphaelite Art and Literature movement, and ‘Song’ combines the two beautifully in a way that neither glorifies nor portrays a detrimental idea of death and the outcomes it brings. Rossetti uses a variety of natural imagery to beautify the idea of life. She tells the reader to ‘plant no roses at my head’ where the symbol of the ‘rose’ embodies the theme of love, which was key in such a Romantic EraRead MoreIn This Generation, Many Popular Musicians Express The1125 Words   |  5 Pagesunrequited love in their songs. It is probably one of the most commonly conveyed subjects. Music artists such as Bruno Mars and his songs like â€Å"Grenade† is no exception to this popular trend. In the song â€Å"Grenade,† he reveals his persistent devotion for a girl. Lamentably, as a victim of unilateral love, he is inferior in the relationship. In the song, the girl seizes the dominant ability to manipulate Bruno Mars’ physical well-being and emotional negatively by being uninterested towards his love, andRead MoreDoes The Gender Pay Gap Actually Exist?1221 Words   |  5 Pagesthat ultimately determine whether the gender pay gap truly exists in the contemporary Western hemisphere. The scholarly field that correlates to this unit is economics and gender studies. ï  ¶ Song of the day: Benny - Little Game (Official Video) ï  ¶ Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNr3x1kVVEc ï  ¶ This song does a compelling job at illustrating the gender roles that have been programmed into society since the last few centuries. It validates that the idea of girls liking anything that is traditionallyRead MoreEssay about Literary Techniques in The Things They Carried1276 Words   |  6 Pagespoem, or subtle, such as juxtaposition, which can go unnoticed by the reader. In The Things They Carried, Tim O’Brien uses many such techniques to provide more depth to his book. Four literary techniques used by Tim O’Brien are symbolism, pathetic fallacy, irony, and juxtaposition. One literary technique prominent in The Things They Carried, particularly in the story by the same name, is symbolism. Throughout this story, O’Brien mentions all the things that the soldiers carry with them, both physicalRead More Discuss Eliot’s treatment of the theme of the modern city in1116 Words   |  5 PagesDiscuss Eliot’s treatment of the theme of the modern city in Preludes. Also refer to The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock if you wish. In both ‘Preludes’ and ‘The love song of J. Alfred Prufrock’, the modern city is one of the main themes. Eliot’s fascination with the modern city could stem from the fact that he was an American, and so when he moved to England in 1915, the modern city was a part of England of which he was in awe. Eliot was also influenced by the French poet, Charles BaudelaireRead MoreThe Film Much Ado About Nothing and Its Contribution to Understanding of the Play1813 Words   |  8 Pageswhich is known as pathetic fallacy. For example, during the first scene at the beginning of the film, where some of the main characters of the play are enjoying a picnic and listening to a poem about the inconsistency of men, read by Beatrice. Here the season resembles spring with plenty of sunshine portraying a light, joyful atmosphere which can be sensed by the audience. This very same sort of atmosphere is used in the scene where there is love, making it suitable forRead MoreMickey Mouse Monopoly Essay982 Words   |  4 Pagesevery human character in every movie, is white. And when there are other races brought into the film, many times they are mocked or have funny speech patterns or are represented in the wrong light, like the Magpies from â€Å"Dumbo†. The birds’ speech and song are clearly Black and are even referred to by some as the â€Å"Nigger Birds†, while Dumbo walks away earning sympathy from the audience and the birds, and those they remind people of, gain only hatred. 2. Explain how a media conglomerate like Disney

Monday, December 9, 2019

Sustainability Efforts Of Caltex Australia â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Sustainability Efforts Of Caltex Australia? Answer: Introduction From Caltex Companys sustainability report of 2015 and 2016, the organization was able to achieve a greater value compared to the previous years due to adoption of efficient strategies. In this, the company was able to realize the benefits and satisfaction of the employee, support to the community and much more, expansion of the market segment and consumer satisfaction. Sustainability efforts and value they have shown Enhancing capabilities and competitiveness is one of the efforts that the company has put in place to ensure that the company is in a position to compete with the companies in and outside Australia that offers the same product and service. This effort has also led the company to establish a Caltex Academy where skills are modelled and talents appraised for the development of business and commerce acumen for all non-commercial leaders, strategy and leadership thus, monetary and soft business value. According to the report of 2015 and 2016, the endeavour has been able to revolutionize performance in Caltex industries due to a very high skilled workforce and skilful leadership. According to the CEO, Caltex Company reviews, the company has able to realize a monetary value increase of approximately 13% within a period of 1.5 months. This is a high positive deviation of the monetary value deviation for the company (Standen, 2017, p.252). Diversity and inclusion is another sustainability effort that has been put by Caltex Petroleum company. The current report shows that the company has received Employer of Choice for Gender Equality (EOCGE) citation from the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) for the second consecutive year. This is an identity for a soft business value as it has considered the diversification policy and implemented it for the success of its future. On the same value, Caltex sustainability effort in employee recognition has been identified to increasing performance of the employee and resulting to monetary values in the company. It is the holder of the Stellar Annual Award of 2016. The company has also been able to work on personal safety of the workforce. The results have shown that, the total treated injury frequency rate (TTIFR) per million hours worked was 2.35. This is a part of sustainability strategy and it has portrayed a business value to the employee. In adopting risks and uncertainty measures, the Caltex petroleum company has been able to maximize profits and realize high profits for the stakeholders and assisted in the Australian economy and its growth (Galpin, Whitttington and Bell, 2015, p.6). Conclusion Caltex Petroleum company identify the value created from its sustainability efforts. When the sustainability strategies are laid, they are always aimed at adding value to the company, to the stakeholders and also to the Australian nation at large. The 2015 and 2016 sustainability reports prove much of the success the company has achieved in value addition for the two years. It also suggests more success in identifying more value as per its long term goals Rauter, Jonker and Baumgartner, 2017, p.144). References Galpin, T., Whitttington, J.L. and Bell, G., 2015. Is your sustainability strategy sustainable? Creating a culture of sustainability. Corporate Governance, 15(1), pp.1-17. Budzianowski, W.M., 2017. High-value low-volume bioproducts coupled to bioenergies with potential to enhance business development of sustainable biorefineries. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 70, pp.793-804. uter, R., Jonker, J. and Baumgartner, R.J., 2017. Going one's own way: drivers in developing business models for sustainability. Journal of Cleaner Production, 140, pp.144-154. Standen, C., Crane, M., Collins, A., Greaves, S. and Rissel, C., 2017. Determinants of mode and route change following the opening of a new cycleway in Sydney, Australia. Journal of Transport Health, 4, pp.255-266.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

RESEARCH PROJECT-WEEK FOUR Essays - Safety, , Term Papers

RESEARCH PROJECT-WEEK FOUR David A. Keith BUS 642 Business Research Methods Tools Instructor: Donnie Smith August 1 6, 2017 I decided to put together a paper from one of the subjects from our instructor called, Workplace Safety. A lot of incidents can be prevented if safety issues are address early in stages of building a business and training workers the right way. Many people fall into these danger categories of getting hurt because they either was not trained right, did not listen nor understand what was being said, or slip and falls out of rushing or carelessness. A lot of accidents come from cleanup spills, obstructions being moved around, damaged carpets and floors coming apart. When dealing with any type of business, it is only proper to use good safety measures to fire hazards of evacuation planning for all employees. When we use, heavy-duty machines should come with proper training to everyone being fully educated in their fields. Issues that cause workers to fall into endangered situations comes from lack of education and management who are employees themselves can also be victims of lack of proper training and unable to teach others. I am giving my own reply to solving problems to reduce risks of harm and body injuries from happening on the job through instructing, educating, and making sure everybody is trained properly. When I look at the question, "to what kinds of operative training within a workplace makes the workplace a haven to work?" Hypothesis forms to thinking that those who are trained well become inconveniences to one's business who take time in their busy schedule teaching others about the safe rules and regulations to what will keep them safe. Cost for hire and training others make a company bigger and gross more in pay-time then not being trained at all. Through money and time, issues within a business focus to realizing how safe their place of work becomes, saves time with filing incident and accident reports, and workman compensations. An employer makes sure their worker fully understands what they are being trained without being rushed to learn that will be beneficial to the employee and employer. On averages of eighty-five staff workers are death related each year on their line of work which is why OSHA standards for training health and safety aspects comes with their line of work ( Rieve , 201 5 ). In summary of how these industries gather information of hazard on a job goes, in this article is touched by small means to which training in a safe manner for all employees is crucial for health, safety reasons, and staying on different vagaries that comes into play. This article used is short and for this type of research should do with training that is right for a workplace. Hypothesis was a form by which test were done with reason provided, and in this article made me to believe in usage of information to which safety is handled on due matters through more research taking place. Ethical concerns within the contents of this webpage were not fully analyzed the right way and I found this to be not of true facts. Safety measures by which staff members occupy within these settings are crucial to what ethic issues that manufactures and employers to chemical, machineries, and additional technologies need to think about whenever they design products with processes (Galvin, 2014). In 1970, other ethic concerns within these researches contains occupations of health and safety rules, nationwide institutes for occupations to health and safety, occupations to the safe acts of health (Galvin, 2014). As our internet continue to change and evolve into social tools turn into ways one communicates with others. To research ethics to how humans treat each other, to making certain it is done with due respect and self- respect during times of diminishing possible harm to ones researches within each participate (Landrum, 2012). I will reveal within this article of the different advantages and disadvantages of everybody who research the internet, with quick growth and steady increases from year to year. Several disadvantages come with problems with equipment's, lesser reply ratings, and more time to fix things. Several advantages come with lesser

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Purpose essays

Purpose essays In Aaron Copland ¡s essay How We Listen to Music, he examines the three ways people listen to music. He calls the ways we listen to music  ¡planes ¡. The three planes he examines are the Sensuous Plane, Expressive Plane, and Sheerly Musical Plane (400). He uses examples of each plane and how people use it. The Sensuous Plane is used just for the pleasure of musical sound. People turn it on just to have something fill the air with sound. He says people use music to escape the everyday boring events of their lives.  ¡They use music as a consolation or an escape, ¡ (401). People use it to take themselves into a dream world. The Expressive Plane is used when people try to relate the music to something in their life. The more it reminds them of something, the more expressive it appears to them. Not all people agree with one another ¡s view of what the music means.  ¡Composers have a way of shying away from any discussion of music ¡s expressive side, ¡ (401). He goes on to state that they do this because music ¡s meaning differs from person to person. The Sheerly Musical Plane concerns the notes, words, harmonies, rhythms, tones, melodies, etc. Professional musicians focus on these things only when writing music. They use the music as a way to express themselves and tell how they feel about things. This also happens to be what the composer/song writer is usually criticized for, i.e. Marilyn Manson and Eminem. At the end of his essay Copland says that people don ¡t listen to one plane or another, rather we listen to all three at the same time.  ¡Actually, we never listen on one or the other of these planes. What we do is to correlate them o listening in all three ways at the same time, ¡ (404). ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

15 Military Terms Used in Civilian Contexts

15 Military Terms Used in Civilian Contexts 15 Military Terms Used in Civilian Contexts 15 Military Terms Used in Civilian Contexts By Mark Nichol The English language includes some words that, originating in the vocabulary of warfare, have been applied to competitive contexts such as sports and business, while others that did not originate in that realm are associated with both the military and other endeavors. Here’s a list of terms pertaining to military units and formations that also have other, sometimes derivative, senses. 1. army: from medieval Latin armata (â€Å"army†)- also the source of the Spanish term armada, meaning â€Å"war fleet†- referring to a nation’s entire body of land forces or to one major unit of that body 2. brigade: from Italian briga (â€Å"quarrel†), a word for a unit consisting of thousands of soldiers or, by extension, to any large group of people organized according to common belief or toward achievement of a common goal; brigadier is a military rank for someone in command of a brigade, and related words are brigand (originally meaning â€Å"soldier† but later denoting a bandit) and brig and brigantine for types of warships during the Age of Sail (the use of the former as prison ships led to brig being applied to military prisons) 3. corps: from Latin corpus (â€Å"body†), a set unit of tens of thousands of soldiers; by extension, also a more or less numerous group of people involved in the same activity, such as the press corps or a corps de ballet, or ballet company 4. detail: from Old French detaillier (â€Å"cut into pieces†), originally only a reference to a part or facet of something, but it also came to apply to a small group of military personnel assigned a specific task, as well as to the task itself or the action of selecting the group 5. division: from Latin dividere (â€Å"divide†), a word with numerous senses, including referring to a unit consisting of tens of thousands of soldiers or a unit of aircraft or ships 6. echelon: from Late Latin scala (â€Å"ladder†) by way of French eschelon (originally â€Å"rung of a ladder† but later â€Å"grade,† â€Å"level,† or step†), adopted into English to refer to a military formation in which units are offset so that from above, they resemble a stairway in profile; the word then came to denote grades or levels of an organization or the people at one of those grades or levels 7. fleet: from Old English fleotan (â€Å"float†), a set unit of military naval vessels or the entirety of such vessels belonging to a navy or to a company; by extension, now also applied to collections of vehicles, such as a group of cars owned by a company or a government agency and available for employees’ use 8. flotilla: from Spanish (â€Å"little fleet†), a set unit of small warships; by extension, a large number of like things 9. host: from Latin hostis (â€Å"enemy† or â€Å"stranger†), which is also the source of hostile, with multiple meanings, including a large army or a multitude of indeterminate size 10. legion: from Latin legere (â€Å"gather†), originally a Roman military unit equivalent to a modern brigade; now, vaguely describes a multitude 11. phalanx: from Greek (â€Å"log†), originally referring to a closely arrayed military formation but now denoting a mass of people, animals, or things; also refers to bones of a hand or foot 12. platoon: from French pelaton (â€Å"little ball†), originally referring only to a set unit of about several dozen soldiers and by extension coming to mean a squad of athletes with a common function (such as offensive and defensive teams in football) or any group of people with a common characteristic or goal 13. regiment: ultimately from Latin regere (â€Å"lead straight† or â€Å"rule†), regimen was adopted into English to refer primarily to a fitness or health plan, but its cognate regiment refers to a military unit of about a thousand or more soldiers; to regiment is to control strictly 14. squad: ultimately from Vulgar Latin exquadrare (â€Å"make square†) by way of Middle French esquade, initially denoting a set unit of about a dozen soldiers but later also referring in general to a small group engaged in an activity (see also squadron) 15. squadron: from Italian squadrone (â€Å"squad†), cognate with squad, refers to any one of several types of military units depending on the branch of service (it can apply to soldiers, aircraft, or ships), and by extension a large group of people or things involved in a particular endeavor Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:7 English Grammar Rules You Should Know225 Foreign Phrases to Inspire YouMankind vs. Humankind

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Hotel Revenue Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Hotel Revenue Management - Research Paper Example To this effect, a quick PEST analysis has been done below. PEST Analysis According to Competitive Intelligence (2011), â€Å"Political factors include parts such as employment laws, environmental regulations, tax policy, trade restrictions and tariffs and political constancy.† This means that political factors have to do with factors that are influenced by government. In this case study, tax charged on rooms, trade restrictions and travel policies would be factored in the political analysis whereby a relatively low tax system and free flow of people would enhance the patronage of hotels. Economic factors for the revenue management are exceptionally important for international trade and patronage. This is because according to Marketing Teacher Limited (2000), economic factors cover issues such as â€Å"Interest rates, the level of inflation Employment level per capita and long-term prospects for the economy Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita†, which are all very imp ortant in determining internal revenue management models. ... This point is buttressed further by the Quick MBA Network that mentions issues under social factors to include â€Å"health consciousness, population growth rate, age distribution, career attitudes and emphasis on safety.† Technological factors will eventually play a central part of the revenue management in the sense that it is going to be the single most important interactive medium by which potential customers are going to be contacted. Customers are also expected to be abreast with innovations and programs of the hotel by accessing data and information on the hotel through the use of the internet. Most commonly, it is expected that online reservations and group bookings will be made via the internet. The Net MBA (2011) mentions other forms of technological issues such as â€Å"Recent technological developments, Technology's impact on product offering, Impact on cost structure, Impact on value chain structure, Rate of technological diffusion.† Revenue Management Mode l In today’s competitive economic era, revenue management has been identified as an extremely important means for hotels to make up for their apportioned resources and income. Revenue xls (2007) has it that â€Å"revenue management models are intended to optimize the pricing of hotel rooms, airline seats, and other â€Å"perishable† commodities for a given duration by taking into account demand variability over time and capacity constraints.† The major model to be adopted would be the stochastic model, which was first used on the airline industry by De Boer et al. (2002) for the airline industry. A qualitative rather than a quantitative form of the model shall however be used. Under the model, the following areas will be considered. The

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Concept Paper Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 12500 words

Concept Paper - Dissertation Example By interviewing 25 past and present entrepreneurs the information gleaned within this research may improve future business ventures and provide much needed information to the business world about the steps that ultimately lead to success and those actions to avoid. The literature review of this research study has offered a variety of opinions on entrepreneur mentors, successful tips, and planning guidelines. It is hoped that the lived experiences of the participants will bring to light new information that can create a paradigm shift in the business world of today’s global economy. Background It has been a tradition in many cultures and thus past precedence that the trade of a father would be passed on to the son or other person interested in learning that skill. The ancestors of the United States were all apprentices at some point; learning the skills necessary to run a cotton plantation, become a blacksmith, a carpenter, a cobbler, or even a milliner (Levinison, 2011). Some families even bartered for their sons to be placed with the best tradesman in the community when the child was very young. Some children were place into indentured servitude, which in the end taught them a trade in exchange for their room and board and a few coins being offered to the parents. With the introduction of the Industrial Revolution, many of the old trades were forgotten as more people when to work in factories and on assemble lines. The factory jobs and assembly line work did not teach the trade as a holistic venture, but only a small portion to one person and another portion to someone else further down the line. It was easier for business men to accumulate vast wealth if they had many people doing various jobs that would create mass production of a product rather than one person completing the production of a single item from start to finish. Machines were invented that replaced the worker and the production rate continued to increase in larger quantities than any huma n could have accomplished. Those individuals who were interested in the repair of the machines found work alongside the very thing that had excluded them from the workforce. Those who did not fancy the maintenance aspect of the industry were required to seek employment elsewhere. Going back to the basics of owning a business seemed to be the answer for some, but the skills and knowledge necessary for a successful venture were lacking, as the trade had not been passed down from the previous generation. Wacker (1998) discussed how this phenomenon provide the necessary parameters for the study of entrepreneurships in the existing world. By looking at the variables, the relationships within the business, and the underlying factors, the foundation for entrepreneurial ventures was recognized. Careful analysis of the business world uncovered the basis for further study and opened the channels for scientific theory to be considered in future studies (Henderikus, 2007; Henderikus, 2010). The Small Business Administration Report in 2007 claimed that 2/3 of every new business venture failed within the first two years. Half are reported to fail within the first four years and over 58% fail within the first five to ten years. The reasons behind the failure of these business ventures encompass a variety of factors that change with each entrepreneur. Finding a way to combat this excessive failure rate could open the door for

Sunday, November 17, 2019

From the Concert of Europe to the Cause of the First World War Essay Example for Free

From the Concert of Europe to the Cause of the First World War Essay After the fall of Napoleon there was a need to create a balance of power that would preserve the peace between European monarchies. Also to redraw the map of Europe and to restore the countries in crisis after their defeat of Napoleon. The main goal of the Concert was to contain France and prevent another ascend of authority such as Napoleon Bonaparte. The origins of The Concert of Europe begin from the international conference called by the victorious allied nations in Vienna – The Congress of Vienna. It took place in September 1814 to June 1815 and is mostly considered as the precursor to today’s United Nations. The Congress was highly successful in achieving its goal, as there were no wars between European countries for almost 40 years. One could say that the Concert of Europe is still continuous, but with different players, goals and name. Thus The Concert of Vienna was first of its kind and in addition Europe had not seen such cooperation between major powers before, it nonetheless made numerous decisions that shaped Europe to its historic course. For instance France was deprived from lands Napoleon had conquered. Britain got several strategic colonial territories, also gaining control of the seas. France and Spain were restored under rightful bloodlines. However the numerous decisions and outcomes were pompous, concentrating on the needs and wants of four main powers Austria, Russia, Prussia, and Great Britain. The Concerts main accomplishment was the securing of independence for Greece (ironic) by sending fleets to fight against invading Ottoman-Egyptian armies. Thanks to three great powers, Russia, The United Kingdom and France, Greece was finally recognized as an independent nation that it is today. In Belgian revolution the Great Powers recognized Belgium as an independent state. After that the signs of collapse of the alliance started to appear. The goal of the Concert of Europe was to keep a balance of power between leading countries in Europe, but if the balance starts to change to someone’s favour then the conflicts begin to arise. The sudden development of Egypt and their successful war against Ottomans brought about fear in European powers. A collapse of Ottoman Empire could have had a destabilizing effect to every country especially to the United Kingdom. England was not only worried for loosing economic benefits and militarily strong state in Mediterranean, but also about Egypt’s close ties to France. Britain preferred a weakened but intact Ottoman Empire that would give it the strategic and commercial advantages it needed to maintain its influence in the region. This all lead to what was called the Oriental Crisis of 1840 where United Kingdom, Austrian Empire, The Kingdom of Prussia and the Russian Empire backed Ottoman Empire against Egypt. France did not accept with the terms The Concert of Europe offered to Egypt, not siding with any of the rivals, but stayed ‘neutral’. Eventually after numerous military conflicts Egypt accepted the terms and Ottoman Empire got back all its lost fleets and territories. The significant downfall of The Concert of Europe was Crimean War in 1853 when Russian Empire started its expansion, which was against the main idea of the Congress of Vienna. It was all powered by the weakening Ottoman Empire and religious disputes till Russia made its move on Constantinople which was owned by the Turks. Afterwards European powers joined in to prevent Russia from growing too powerful. Followed three years of hostilities on five theatres till Russian Empire was eventually stopped. Being the first major armed conflict in Europe after the settlement at the Congress of Vienna, Crimean War signified the downfall of the Concert of Europe. At the Treaty of Paris, signed on March 30, 1856, the real looser was Austria. Having chosen to defy the Russians in the Balkans, Austria lost main ally, and over the next few years it appeared that Britain and France were not interesting in cooperation. Moreover, the Crimean War was the collapse of the Vienna Settlement, the system that had enabled Austria, Britain, France, Prussia and Russia to cooperate and maintain peace for three decades. The Crimean War placed the basis for two powerful new nation states Italy and Germany. The new six-power European system demonstrated to be less stable than its forefather, while the expectation that political and diplomatic aims could be satisfied by war led these states to adopt ever closer alliances. The Crimean War was a turning point in European history, marking the end of the Vienna settlement, and the beginning of a new system. In spite of all, the Great Powers finally returned to war in 1914, almost hundred years after the Congress of Vienna. Alliances and common pacts all end in the course of time, lead by human needs and personal gains, sooner or later. (And the outcome is war ofc) The First World War begun with a simple murder of Austrian-Hungarian royalty, at least that is the simplified reason. In reality it only triggered the war; the actual roots of the war are much deeper and more complicated than a simple bullet in the Archdukes neck. Rise of nationalism and its movements in Europe created such secret societies that used terrorist methods to promote their views. Slavic people in Bosnia and Herzegovina wanted no longer to be a part of Austria-Hungary, but instead be to be a part of Serbia. Viewing it in this way, it could be said that nationalism led Slavic people to rebel against their occupiers that ended with the First World War Increased military and naval rivalry led not only to the belief that war was close and increase in military control of the civilian government also there was an increased cooperation between allied countries. For example United Kingdom, France and Russia held secret military talks. The British and the French naval authorities agreed that the French navy should be concentrated in the Mediterranean and the British in the North Sea. Germany and Austria also had military agreements. When the First World War began, it was to be fought by all powers because they were locked into the conflict from the beginning by contracts and alliances. European powers had formed themselves into two rival groups called the Triple Entente versus the Triple Alliance and the interests of these groups clashed in many parts of the world before 1914. Whenever a clash arose, the two groups seemed to be on the edge of war. Believably, on some level, it eventually led to hatred of each other. Contributing fact was that after 1870, the European nations began to acquire colonies in Asia, Africa and the Pacific. Their imperialistic activities led to another clash of interests. It could be said that the underlying causes for war are the same as for everything else in life. One decision affects the other to ad nauseam. It was possible that politicians knew that war was at their doorstep, but I am sure they did not know that over 15 million people will have to pay for it with their lives. Could the First World War be avoided is doubtful, because of the tense relations, rivalry and complicated alliance systems. It was a small scale war between Austria-Hungary and Serbia that transformed into world war. The same could easily happen today when China or USA supports North or South Korea over the conflict. History repeats itself and we need to learn from it. Poking your nose into other people’s business is not the smartest plan when both sides have powerful ‘’brothers’’ positioned farther back.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Apocalypse Now Review Essay -- essays research papers

Vietnam was a war fought by the unwillingly, for the ungrateful, led by the unqualified. Apocalypse Now is Coppola’s film based on Heart of Darkness, but set in the Vietnam jungle. The major theme in the novel is the examination of America’s involvement, militarily, in Vietnam. However, like Conrad’s novel, it also shows the potential inherent darkness in all human hearts. Coppola retains the basic structure of Conrad’s novel for his film. As Marlow, in Heart of Darkness, travels up the Congo eventually to find Kurtz, similarly, Captain Willard the protagonist in Coppola’s film travels up the Nung River to meet his Kurtz. Both the Company and the Army want their Kurtzes dead. Kurtz exposes his superior’s real motives and methods and the Army does not want the truth to be known. Willard becomes more perceptive to the moral darkness around him: this causes him to question his real purpose, or goal in what he is doing. Eventually, after killing Kurtz, Willard realizes the Darkness that can be brought out in any man, examined through Kurtz, if society allows amoral values to thrive. The message in Apocalypse Now is the same message in Heart of Darkness, which is that any man can succumb to his savage desires, he just needs the right environment to allow his temptations to be nurtured and bloom. Apocalypse Now was based on events that had deep meaning and significance for its director. Coppola had just witnessed his generation and the still younger generation fight this bloody conflict nobody wanted to be apart of. He must have seen the wounded and maimed war vets their physical scars obvious, who came to represent the lost generation. Politics at the time forced the Vietnam War upon the American people: men like Kennedy, LBJ, and Nixon were all guilty of this unimaginable crime. The Cold War was in full force and the American government felt it needed to stem the tide of spreading Communism in South East Asia. So, troops were sent to the Democratic Republic of South Vietnam to fight off their northern, Communist enemy. The war was lost before it even started. Am erican politicians were concerned with body counts, kill ratios, and land occupation. Vietnam was about none of these aspects. The Americans dropped napalm, and Agent Orange, they sent B-52 bombers with ten thousand-pound bombs and dropped these on the dense jungles. They deforested entire regions of la... ...ught. The drugs were used as a medicine to ward off this encroaching disease of human savagery. The GIs felt if their mind could be blocked from this approaching horror maybe it would pass and not stay with them. The prime example of this being untrue is Kurtz. He realized his whole being was savage; however, he also was prepared to use the last ounce of humanity he had left to cut away and kill this savagery, represented through the Willard’s clear vision. Apocalyse Now brought to life all the real horrors the Vietnam vets faced, but more importantly it gave them an explanation as to why so many of them faced psychological sickness, upon returning to America. Coppola showed the darkness that came out of this war, expressed through the men who fought it. The movie did a fine job at critiquing the way in which the war was run, with no real objective or purpose being apparent. I think the chose of Coppola to base his outline structure on Conrad’s book, is ingenious. The darkness that was relevant in the 19th century, is still relevant today. Coppola shows this through Kurtz and the Vietnam vets who suffered so many mental problems and the darkness that came out of them in Vietnam.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Ready to Eat Cereal Case Study Essay

The value chain, Appendix B, in the RTE cereal industry consists of branded manufactures and private labels that receive their raw materials from suppliers and then distribute their product to food stores, drug stores, and mass merchandisers where the end consumer can eventually purchase the cereal product. Private labels rely on wholesalers and third-party distributors to get their product on the store shelves where the end consumer can purchase these items. In the RTE cereal industry, there were three large manufacturers, General Mills, Kellogg and Philip Morris that had a strong presence in the market. They were extremely profitable with pricing power and dominated the whole market with great market share; all this made it unattractive for potential new companies entering the RTE cereal industry. According to Appendix 2, Kellogg was one of the Big Three companies in the RTE cereal industry with an average market share of 40.25 from 1950 to 1993 in the whole industry. The industry was concentrated and the market structure for the industry was an oligopoly. The production of RTE cereal requires dough as the raw materials. Due to the fact that dough is a very common material, the power of the suppliers is low. Buyer’s switching costs were low because customers can freely choose different brands and products. Companies, in order to increase their customer’s brand loyalty to certain products, are offering coupons and promotions, which subsequently increase the buyers’ switching cost and weaken buyer’s bargaining power. There is high competition existing among RTE cereal companies; the Big Three companies had strong position and market share in the industry and are continuously introducing new brands and products causing increased competition in the industry. The high entry barrier in the RTE cereal industry was another factor that contributed to its high profitability and made the industry even more concentrated over time. The cost to manufacture RTE cereal was high to achieve a minimum efficient scale. The high cost for building a cereal plant and labor requirement made the capital requirements enormous for a new entry, contributing to our argument that the entry barriers are high. Existing Big Three companies were believed to restrain competition and new entry among themselves. They owned strong distribution channels and focused on the proper stocking, display, and promotion with supermarket chains and food stores, leaving little room for new companies to enter the industry. They emphasized the prime shelf space location in supermarket chains and food stores because the wide brand selection for customers can decrease their companies’ competitive advantage with no name brands. By guaranteeing their products maintain at the most valued center-aisle positions, providing discounts and cash payments to retailers, major companies made new entry to the industry unprofitable. In addition, existing major companies promoted coupons and in-pack premiums such as free toys and gifts to increase product sales and build brand loyalty. They also offered discounts to retailers for special treatment and promotions. This combined effort increased major companies’ dominance in the market share and the whole industry. Existing major companies also introduced a majority of new products and brands, making potential companies unable to enter the industry. At this point it looks as if the Big Three’s dominance over the RTE Cereal Industry will be everlasting; however it is hard to guarantee that a company will have sustainable competitive advantage over the industry. The industry crisis began when consumers started buying natural cereals. The Big Three did not prepare for this consumer demand, allowing other competitors to gain part of the market share. The threat of a substitute product, natural cereals, was increasing rivalry among competing firms in the RTE Cereal Industry. Although it was hard to imitate the Big Three, competitors found a way around this and found substitutes that consumers were interested in. Once private label competitors entered the market they were able to be successful in the industry by averaging only $1.90 per pound, which is significantly less expensive than the Big Three, who were charging $3.20 per pound. Private labels also had a better relationship with the grocers because of the better margins they offered to them. This was a bargaining tool Private Labels used to their advantage. Now their product was being placed in more strategically placed locations throughout the grocery store, which increased their sales and decreased the Big Three’s sales. In addition to allowing competitors into the industry, the Big Three hurt themselves by spending millions of dollars on coupons and advertising. There was little to no results that proved these methods were effective in gaining market share. For example, the RTE cereal industry spent $800 million in advertisements and trade promotions, but did not see much reward other than non-loyal consumers switching their products based on current trade promotions. Another factor of the industry crisis was due to the fact that the Big Three stopped their united front of raising prices together. The Big Three no longer made strategic moves together and in return made it easier for others to enter the industry. At the start of the RTE Cereal Industry the Big Three offered value to their customers, however over time their capabilities were possessed by many competitors, not making their organizations rare. This hurt their competitive advantage among the market. In the end the Big Three were not able to compete on cost and the willingness to pay from the consumer was declining as more substitutes came into play. Private labels faced relatively few entry barriers to become a potential threat to the branded manufacturers within the industry. The lack of product differentiation between the products of branded cereal manufacturers and private labels and the ability of private labels to offer their product at a cheaper price contributed to much of their success, Private labels success can also be attributed to the declining brand loyalty of popular branded manufacturers. Branded manufacturers relied heavily upon the distribution of promotional coupons to their consumer base, but as a result this tactic forced many customers to become price switching and brand switching sensitive that ultimately worked to the private labels favor. Furthermore, private labels success really was impacted by the higher margins their products offered to retailers, which were higher by 3% in comparison to branded manufacturers. The cost structures of private labels and branded cereal manufacturers have distinct differences, which has given private labels a strong competitive advantage in the industry. Private labels’ advertising and R&D expenses were less than branded manufacturers, which allowed the private labels to offer their product at a cheaper price. A typical cost breakdown per pound of cereal product for the Big Three cereal firms shows that 23.43% of the retail price accounted towards their advertising expenses which is about 40% less than what private labels contributed towards advertising expenditures. Ralston’s advertising expenses, the firm that dominated the private label cereal market, totaled to $0.15 per pound which about half of what other is branded cereal manufacturers contributed towards advertising. Private labels also relied on third-party distributors to deliver their product to stores. This assisted in cutting expenses by not requiring capital to create an independent distribution channel. Many private labels reduced packaging costs by packaging their cereal product in large plastic bags that proved to be a more cost-effected solution than using cardboard boxes. There are a number of things that General Mills may have been trying to accomplish when they decided to reduce prices and trade promotions in 1994, with the main reason being to improve the overall profit performance of their cereal division, Big G. Big G was the most profitable division of General Mills representing 30% of the company’s total profit. By cutting $175 million out of trade promotions and reducing the prices of their biggest brands by an average of 11%, General Mills hoped to become a more efficient firm. General Mill’s president Stephan Sanger backed up his plan for trade promotions by claiming â€Å"the 50 cents that the consumer saves by clipping a coupon can cost manufacturers as much as 75 cents.† When General Mills announced this plan to cut pricing and promotion, they believed they would be the industry leader with all other firms following suit. However, Kellogg decided to stick with their price up and spend back line. The industry was split between the two marketing strategies and bound to follow whichever approach generated more profit. By cutting $175 million from their promotion and couponing budget and reducing the prices of their biggest brands by 11%, General Mills was taking incredible risk. Cutting the promotion and couponing budget is the greatest source of the risk. The most obvious aspect of that is the loss of visibility. Customers find out about products through promotions or coupons and if those promotions and coupons are not as readily available as those of the competitor, it is hard for General Mills’ product to be as visible. Competition within breakfast cereal brands is high. Several people, often times referred to as â€Å"savers†, shop primarily based on coupons available. If coupons for General Mills’ brands are no available, these people will purchase cereal brands where coupons are available. The benefit of this decision, however, is that coupons in this industry are actually costing the company money. That being said, it is also difficult to put a price on the visibility that the coupon provides. General Mills’ decision to reduce the price of their major brands comes at a risk as well. This could be perceived by competitors as price-cutting and could start a price battle, which would end up poor for both General Mills and their competitors. As a competitor of General Mills, our expectation would be for them to have an almost wait and see strategy. We would not rush into any decision. Instead, we would see how this works for General Mills and then make a decision. By cutting promotions and coupons, General Mills is losing visibility but by cutting their prices, they are more attractive to the consumer who is already in the store. It is difficult to judge the benefit of that trade off so waiting to see what happens with General Mills is the strategy that is most appropriate for competitors. On the other hand, as General Mills, this decision has been made and they should stick to it. It boils down to the tradeoff discussed above. This seems to be a risky business decision for several reasons however this strategy should be monitored closely and reevaluated after a several months to determine the effectiveness and a plan to move forward from there.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

John Locke vs Thomas Hobbes

Locke vs Hobbes John Locke’s belief in natural rights are correct in terms of natural rights because he believes in freedom, in every sense of the word, equality and is a firm supporter in Democracy. Locke and Hobbes conflicting views are at their most basic form, to believe man or not. Locke believes that men will, with given freedom be perpetually good. Hobbes believes otherwise, saying that men, in the state of nature will fight all of the time.Corny as it sounds, their conflicting viewpoints remind me of the age old struggle between good and evil. John Locke with his new enlightened sense of thinking in Democracy and Hobbes with his belief in more of an Autocracy, or an absolute monarchy, stuck in the thinking of the dark ages. That is why Locke's views on all men being equal, everyone being born into freedom, democracy at its most basic form and the general goodness in human beings are inherently, right.Reading excerpts from John Locke's book, you will find lots of his ar guments on equality and freedom of mans basic rights, are eerily similar to the foundation of which American government was formed, in the declaration of Independence. If some of the greatest men in our countries history believed so much in Locke's points on equality and liberty that they decided to copy these ideas into the document from which they would create one of the most successful countries in the history of the world, then shouldn't it bear in ones mind that these ideas are important?That they are too a certain degree right? These are just examples of the power Locke's book has on those who truly read it. He proves, again and again that with the belief in the genuine good in men, there will be little conflict as long as everyone is equal. I personally believe that is one hundred percent correct. As much as there are plenty of bad people on this earth, the petty crimes and small infractions of the law, with full equality and freedom to all rights, the good of men would overc ome these small difficulties, and be better for it.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Long Run or Short Run

Long Run or Short Run I read a Facebook post this week where people were bragging about the largest daily word count theyd ever written. Some were slinging numbers like 10,000, 13,000, even 16,500. Most admitted that wasnt a sustainable number to maintain, yet they interpreted numbers like that as the means to writing a book in two weeks or less. And many of them are then publishing those books. In this day and time, with the crazy array of self-publishing tools available to writers, we can sense a pressure to publish a book a month. Yes, Im not exaggerating. Out of curiosity, Ive read them. I can see the rush in the sentences, read the overzealousness in the syntax, miss the depth of plot. No, you cannot write deep and publish in a month. But there is a market for some of this type of work. Some readers like light reading. Some authors are making five figures from slinging out a large number of books. And therein lies the crossroad. Downstream, when you are more gifted, wiser, and more astute, are you wanting those books forever on Amazon? Are you wanting to publish your quick writing for the public? Or do you prefer to write fast and hold onto it in an effort to write it deeper? Or consider those pieces practice to learn from for your next, more intense work? We are under such acute influence to write now, write fast, and write a lot. Funny, but as I was writing this, I noticed Seth Godins latest blog post. He echoed what I said, only better. https://seths.blog/ First, fast and correct All three would be great. First†¦ you invent, design, develop and bring to life things that haven’t been done before. Fast†¦ you get the work done quickly and efficiently. Correct†¦ and it’s right the first time, without preventable errors. Being first takes guts. Being fast takes training. And being correct takes care. All three at once is rare. Two would be great. And just one (any one) is required if you want to be a professional. Alas, too often, in our confusion about priorities and our fear of shipping, we end up doing none and settling for average instead. Amen, Mr. Godin. Amen indeed.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

WALL Surname Meaning and Origin

WALL Surname Meaning and Origin The Wall surname has several possible meanings: a topographical surname often originally bestowed on someone who dwelled at or near a stone wall, from the Old English weall, and Latin vallum meaning wall or rampart. Often this was a wall built to fortify a town or a sea wall.  The Wall surname was also sometimes an occupational name given to a special kind of mason; a wall was one who specialized in building wall structures. This same meaning also has origins in Germany, from the middle high German wal.A topographical surname for someone who lived by a spring, from the northern Middle English walle, and Old English wà ¦lla, meaning well.In Germany the surname could indicate someone who lived near a wall, from the middle high German wal, or be a variant of the last name Wahl, meaning election or choice.In Ireland, Wall may have originally been de Valle (Gaelic  de Bhl),  meaning of the valley.Wall could also have Swedish origins, from  vall, meaning pasture or grazing ground. Surname Origin: English, Scottish, Swedish, German, Irish Alternate Surname Spellings: WALLS, WALE, WALES, WAHL, WALLENBERG, WAHLBERG  See also WALLER. Where in the World Is the WALL Surname Found? The Wall surname is found most commonly in Ireland, according to  WorldNames PublicProfiler, especially in the East and South East regions. It is also fairly prevalent in the West Midlands region of England, as well as Sweden, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United States.  Forebears  has the Wall last name as almost evenly common in both Ireland and Sweden. The Wall surname is fairly evenly distributed across the United States, but is especially common in North Carolina where it ranks #159. Famous People with the Last Name WALL Max Wall - English comedian and actorGarret D. Wall - New Jersey military officer and politicianWilliam Guy Wall - American painter of Irish birthArt Wall - PGA golf champion of the 1950sLucille Wall  - American actressJohn Wall  -  English Catholic Franciscan friar; martyr Genealogy Resources for the Surname WALL Wall/Walls DNA ProjectJoin over 220 researchers with the Wall surname or its variants interested in working together to combine Y-DNA testing with traditional genealogy research to sort out Wall ancestors around the world. 10 Top Databases for British GenealogyMillions of records from England, Scotland and Wales are available online in the form of digital images or transcriptions. These ten websites are a great starting point for anyone researching British ancestry. Wall Family Crest - Its Not What You ThinkContrary to what you may hear, there is no such thing as a Wall family crest or coat of arms for the Wall surname.  Coats of arms are granted to individuals, not families, and may rightfully be used only by the uninterrupted male line descendants of the person to whom the coat of arms was originally granted.   Wall Family Genealogy ForumSearch this popular genealogy forum for the Wall surname to find others who might be researching your ancestors, or post your own Wall query. FamilySearch - WALL GenealogyExplore over 3.2 million historical records and lineage-linked family trees posted for the Wall surname and its variations on the free FamilySearch website, hosted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. WALL Surname Family Mailing ListsRootsWeb hosts a free mailing list for researchers of the Wall surname around the world. DistantCousin.com - WALL Genealogy Family HistoryExplore free databases and genealogy links for the last name Wall. The Wall Genealogy and Family Tree PageBrowse genealogy records and links to genealogical and historical records for individuals with the Wall last name from the website of Genealogy Today. -References: Surname Meanings Origins Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967. Menk, Lars. A Dictionary of German Jewish Surnames. Avotaynu, 2005. Beider, Alexander. A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from Galicia. Avotaynu, 2004. Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003. Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Current Events and the U.S Diplomacy Assignment - 3

Current Events and the U.S Diplomacy - Assignment Example An emphasis on United States foreign policy after it discovered that there was Oil in the Persian Gulf, but other threats such as the Soviet Union using their troops were attempting to secure the region. As such, the doctrine stipulates that the United States had already declared its interest in the region (Carlsnaes, Risse-Kappen & Simmons 2013). According to Barfield (2010), the relationship between the United States and Afghanistan dates back to the 18th century although it was officially sealed in 1921 when a treaty was signed to confirm the diplomatic relations that had begun gaining ground. However, the relations between these two countries became much stronger during the Cold War, after the then President Turman declared that the diplomatic relations that had already started growing were going to be strengthened by the fact that senior diplomats from Afghanistan would be placed in each capital in the United States. Between 1948 and 1953, the two countries exchanged numerous diplomatic visits which greatly improved their relations. As a result, the United States began giving Afghanistan economic support in order to build infrastructure especially in major cities since the country had been rated as one of the poorest among the third world countries. Once the economic aspect had begun improving, the United States gave further support on the technical aspect, which was meant to develop skills that would later lead to a modern economy. Nevertheless, the United States declined to give Afghanistan any defense cooperation at the time. In a general sense, the end of the cold war relation between the two countries was characterized by the invasion of educated people from the United States who took over the hospitals, schools and other economic related aspects (Bacevich, 2002). Interestingly, the current relationship between the U.S and Afghanistan is quite complicated especially after the United States was boomed in 2001 by Osama Bin Laden.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Homeland Security - Predaredness & Prevention Assignment - 1

Homeland Security - Predaredness & Prevention - Assignment Example The same is the case with the US government, which has established various law enforcing agencies as well as collective security programs and strategies to strictly observe and enforce the writ of law as well as security measures to combat with any challenges occurred in the country. National Incident Management System (NIMS) and Incident Command System (ICS) are also included in the list of security providing models of the USA, which are working at local, state and country levels, introduced and established in the aftermath of 9/11 catastrophe in order to tackle with the terrorist attacks and natural disasters. â€Å"The National Incident Management System (NIMS) provides a systematic, proactive approach to guide departments and agencies at all levels of government, nongovernmental organizations, and the private sector to work seamlessly to prevent, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate the effects of incidents, regardless of cause, size, location, or complexity, in order to reduce the loss of life and property and harm to the environment.† Since NIMS and its subsidiary agency i.e. ICS concentrate their attention upon rapid flow of communication between different agencies and authorities to act swiftly in order to cope up with any emergency situation, they are rendering extraordinary services on the security plans launched by the government. These agencies are highly supportive in responding to the call of the individuals and institutions undergoing any disturbance and turmoil at national, regional, local or community levels. Both these models lay stress upon applying modern equipments to provide a platform from which the rescue and security organizations remain in close contact with one other, and can abruptly lend a helping hand to one another at the hour of need. It is therefore, the institutions and organizations request NIMS from controlling the fire break out to flood rescue, and from hurricane disaster to the terrorist attacks. It is a

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Energy Efficient Middleware for Networking Protocols Essay

Energy Efficient Middleware for Networking Protocols - Essay Example This is to do with low-power design in all layers of the wireless network protocol. With integration of new technology with time, the modern infrastructure calls for efficient measures in the field of Network Protocols. The published work is critical in ascertaining the relevance of wireless services expansion in cellular voice; personal communication services (PCS), mobile data and wireless LANs. The authors to this work are researchers with extinguished experience in technology advancement. Christine E. Jones is an expert in Computer Science with a Masters in Computer Science form Washington State Universty, Pulliman. She currently works with BBN technologies in Cambridge doing extensive research computing and application in mobile and networking. Krishna M. Sivalingam is a computer scientist with a PhD. and Msc. Degrees from Staten University of New York at Buffalo. He has extensive research work in Electrical and Computer Science that has gave him interest in wireless network, op tical wavelength division multiplexed networks and performance evaluation. He has published and edited a number of works inclusive of optical WDM networks in 2000. His extensive work has been recognised by getting patents in wireless networks- 3 patents and several papers including 18 journal publications. Prathima Agrawal is an extinguished scholar and is the Vice-president of the Internet Architecture Research Laboratory and Executive Director of the Computer Network in Research Development at Telcordia Technologies. She heads research studies and has been involved with ITUSMO joint research: which is a third generation wireless access system research between Telcordia and Toshiba Corp. Her major research interests fall in computer networks, mobile and wireless computing and communication system and parallel process. She has over 150paper publications and received or applied for over 50 patents. Jyn Cheng Chen is a computer and electrical engineer academician. He has been a resear ch scientist since 1998 in Applied Research at Telcordia technologies. He has participated in ITSUMO as a senior architect and implementer working on QoS for mobile and wireless IP networks, IP-based station design, SIP-based mobility management and multimedia applications. He has also researched on energy efficient MAC protocols for wireless ATM networks at AT&T Labs and Whippany, NJ. The review of Research under Consideration The survey for energy efficient network protocols for wireless networks has been sought after and compiled with respect to a rich source of references. The study incorporates the works of notable researchers and scientists with respect to network protocols and wireless networking. With increased use of mobile networking, there greater need for efficiency in energy consumption owing to the complexity of the shortage and aftermath of energy use. The effective works cited in this study include Agrwal et al. (1998) and (1996) that clearly enhance the mobile power efficiency in video processing and mobile radio systems respectively. Energy efficiency is critical to enhance data passage and storage; therefore, improving the reliability in transportation and hand off is greatly influenced by the energy consumption, availability and reliability. Balakrishnam et al. (1995); Feeney (1999a,b); Gordon et al. (1996) among others has well been used to illustrate this. The use of

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Impact of Internet Usage on the Academic Performance

Impact of Internet Usage on the Academic Performance INTRODUCTION Problem Statement: The impact of internet usage on the academic performance of adolescent students at St. Stephens College . Statement of Problem: The study investigates how students of St Stephens College are affected by the use of the internet. St. Stephens College, located in Princes Town, Trinidad is known as one of the highest ranked academic institutions in the country. The school comprises of approximately 750 students, most of which excel at their studies. Most, if not all of the students attending the school has had some contact with the internet which could have an effect on their academic performance. It is believed that the internet helps students to be more involved academically, therefore improving the quality of work done by the student. There is also the fact that students can misuse the internet, be it cyber bullying or being distracted by it, which can negatively impact on them. Purpose of Study: This study is geared towards determining if the use of the internet by students of St. Stephens College has impacted upon their academic performance and if so, how. Educational Value:  The information gained from this study can be used to re-assess the importance and significance of the use of the internet by students. The information can help to inform individuals of how to designate their time on the internet and also help promote proper use of the internet throughout various schools or even throughout the country. Research Questions: Is there a relationship between the use of the internet and academic performance of students? Have students become dependent on the internet? Has the use of the internet promote or hinder the academic performance of students? DEFINITION OF KEY TERMS Internet A global system of interconnected computer networks which bear a variety of information and services. Academic performance- How well a student is accomplishing his or her tasks and studies. Student A person studying to obtain a higher education LITERATURE REVIEW The internet is a global linking of devices that allow information transfer. The internet was established in the early 1960s by the U.S department of defence (Schneider, Evans and Pinard, 2006) for military purposes. It is a fact that the internet is one of the greatest advancement in the world of information technology as it has become a useful instrument that has fostered the process of making the world a global village. The Internet provides an environment in which millions of people participate and engage in the creation and exchange of information (Rose Fernlund, 1997). It allows for the exchange of information and for interaction among individuals in real time, making transport and distance no longer a problem. There are approximately 2.4 billion people on earth who has access to the internet with over 70 percent of them using the internet at least once a day. This amounts to a total of 144 billion emails being sent every 24 hours (internet world statistics, 2012). What started out as a hobby for some computer literate people has become a social norm and way of life for people around the globe (Boyd, 2007). The Caribbean consist of approximately 42 million people, 32.4% of which, use the internet (internet coaching library , 2012). Internet use has become very popular in many areas as well as in education in recent years. Accordingly, Internet access in schools has increased greatly over the last 20 years (Berson, 2000). In a research article, Ying-Fang Chen and Samuel S. Peng (2005-2006 academic year juniors) A study done on a variety of randomly selected University students in Taiwan showed that heavy Internet users and non-heavy Internet users differed significantly on a number of dimensions. Non-heavy users had better relationships with administrative staff, academic grades and learning satisfaction than heavy Internet users. Tuckman (1975) defined academic performance as the apparent demonstration of understanding concepts, skills, ideas and knowledge and proposed that grades clearly depict the performance of students. Heavy users were more likely than non-heavy Internet users to be depressed, physically ill, lonely, and introverted. According to a journal of Education and Sociology done in Pakistan, Muhammad Musaud Asdaque, December, 2010. The use of the internet is one of the major factors affecting the academic performance and social life of university students. The number of hours spent on internet will affect the grades of students depending on if the internet is used for study purpose or social purposes. Many studies have been conducted regarding the type of information the end-users seek and obtain on the Internet and in which circumstances they prefer electronic sources to paper sources(Tenopir et al.2003).Also , students can gain from others knowledge and experiences, participate in chatrooms, share ideas and solutions. Teens spend approximately 2.3 hours online a day, 80 percent of that time, on social networking sites (Roiworld, 2010). Students who multi-task between social networking sites and homework are likely to have 20% lower grades than a student who does not have a social networking site in visual range (Lenhart, A, 2009, April). Also , many researchers believe that excessive use of the internet has the potential to become an addiction (Griffiths, 1995, 2000). Some, involvement on the Internet begins to have serious, negative consequences. When such consequences are minimized or ignored while Internet use increases, Internet dependence is occurring. As of 2005, it is estimated that 6% of users are Internet dependent (Villanova Counseling Center). The internet can act as a major distraction to students if not properly managed. However, some studies show that students primary use the internet for school work specifically, searching the web for information needed for school projects (Kraut et al, 1996). This in turn, can improve the academic performance of a student. METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION PRIMARY SOURCES: In order to carry out the internal assessment on the impact of internet usage on the academic performance of adolescence students of St. Stephens College, research had to be done using both primary and secondary sources of data. The primary data collection source used was a questionnaire since it allowed the person time to answer questions and it was also cost effective. The questionnaire was also used because it allowed for data to be analysed easily and was not time consuming. A questionnaire is a means of research, consisting of a series of questions and other prompts for the purpose of gathering information from respondents. The questionnaire used consisted of 14 questions, 3 of which were open ended questions. The open ended questions were used to obtain qualitative data from the respondents. The other 11 questions were closed ended and were used to obtain quantitative data on the topic. A total of 60 questionnaires were distributed randomly across forms 1 to 6 students. The ran dom distribution ensured that there was no bias in the selection of candidates since each person had an equal chance of being chosen. SECONDARY SOURCES: The secondary sources of data included the internet, books and texts. This was done to gain a better understanding of the problem which was being investigated PRESENTATION OF DATA Map Showing Location Of Princess Town In Trinidad figure 1 figure 2 figure3 figure 4 figure 5 figure 6 figure 7 Figure 8: Diagram showing students who use the internet for aid in research Figure 9: Diagram showing other means of research used by students INTERPRETATION OF DATA Based on the results obtained from the 60 students investigated at St. Stephens College, it was found that most students ( 68% ) partake in online activities more than once per day while only 4% of them do not partake at all. This shows that while most students do have internet access , some do not and are therefore not affect by the effects of the internet. As indicated by figure 2, a majority of the students who do have access to the internet also spend between 1 and 3 hours online everyday ( 45 ) while 12 spend more than 4 hours online. The internet is used by students in various fashions as seen from figure 3. The number of students using the internet for education, entertainment, and communicating with others are almost corresponding. Coupled with the other activities as, passing time, shopping and work/business, it can be seen that most time spent on the internet is not for educational purposes. When the data from figure 2 and 3 are combined , it can see that 33 students students spend more than 2 hours online everyday and that most of that time would be spent idle and not constructive. However , from figures 8 and 9 , it can clearly be seen that all of the students that were selected, use the internet for aid in research, while in figure 9, students use more than one souurce of research. This included 32 choosing books, 21 using newspapers and 7 use journal as their source. Figures 8 and 9 show that students do accomplish work on the internet but not all information can be sourced there. Figure 4 shows that while there are 21 students scoaring acceptable grades at end of the term examinations (60-100%), there is still an overwhelming number of students performing under par (0-60%). This includes 39 of the 60 students. The table show that there is likely a link between the use of the internet and academic performance of the students. Larger quantities of students idle online resulting in greater quantities of students scoaring below average. The location of internet usage usually used by students are shown on figure 5. Most students use the internet either at their homes oor by a family members home. This accounts for 52 of the 60 students. The home is a place where most students relax and feel free and this may lead to them allocating more time idle on the internet as compared to a student who uses the internet at school where the use of the internet is controlled. The large quantities of students using the internet at home may be directly linked to the below average end of term examinations grades. Many of the students indicated that the internet was useful when it came towards academic work (95%), while the other 5% said otherwise according to figure 6. On figure 7, almost equal quantities of students both disagree and agree with the statement that the advantages of the internet outweigh the disadvantages. A total of 23 students agreed while 22 students disagreed , 15 students were neutral about the topic. The data shown from both figures 6 and 7 indicate that while large quantities of students do believe that the internet is useful towards academic work , it is easy to be distracted and held at an disadvantage instead of focus and be at an advantage . DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS The main objective of this study was to carry out an investigation about the impact of internet usage on the academic performance of students at St. Stephens College. The findings from the research done, inficated that the increased quantity of students using the internet corresponded to the high numbers of students whith low academic scores. This also corresponded to the research article done by Ying-Fang Chen and Samuel C.Peng (2005-2006) as their candidates who had heavy internet usage performed poorly with respect to academics. From the research done it was also found that students with internet access spend more time online, idle than doing assignments. Therefore students without internet access would spend more time constructive. One of the objectives of the research was to determine if students had become dependent on the internet . Althought many students admitted that the internet does help with research, many of them also refer to sources such as books and journals. This data lead to the conclusion that while students are quite heavily dependent on the internet , they are not totally dependent and are capable of using varyous sources for research. Overall, the results of this study compared to the literature review show that students are more negatively impacted upon by internet use as the internet, althought helpful at times, it a distraction to students. CONCLUSION The research study has clearly outlined the impact of the internet on the students of ST. Stephens College. It can be concluded that althought internet usage does have its benefits, the internet impacts more negatively on students as they are more distracted by online activities and spend less time doing work. Also, it can be concluded that althought students are heavily dependent on the internet, they are not fully dependant since they are capable of using various sources for information. LIMITATIONS Firstly, the sample for the study was selected from only one institute, therefore generalization of the findings to the total population is limited. Also, the study investigates the impact of the internet on academic performance. Other variables such as health, gender and social well-being may also affect performance, therefore future studies should not be as limited. RECOMMENDATIONS To improve the study done, more questionnaires could have been distributed to improve the accuracy of the study. Also, some students could have been interviewed to obtain a better qualitative report. To reduce the negative effect of the internet on students, schools can inform parents to manage supervise their childs internet usage to ensure that time is not wasted. BIBLIOGRAPY: APPENDICES Questionnaire This questionnaire is designed to evaluate the relationship between internet usage and academic performance. Your cooperation in completing this study, your honest answers to the following questions would be greatly appreciated. As all responses are confidential, please do not sign your name. What is your age? ____________________________ Gender? Male Female How often do you use the internet? More than once per day Once a day Not at all Per week On average how many hours per day do you spend on the internet? Less than 1 hour 1-2 hours 2-3 hours More than 3 hours Where do you use the internet? Home School Family members home Cafà © Library What do you primarily use the Web for? (Please check all that apply.) Education Shopping/gathering product information Entertainment Work/Business Passing time Communication with others (not including email) Gathering information for personal needs Do you use the internet for aid in research? Yes No If so please state why. _______________________________________________________________________ How much does the internet help you academically? Very little Not at all A moderate amount Very much Do you use any of the following as means of research other than the internet? Books Newspapers Journals The advantages of the internet outweigh the disadvantages. Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree How do you perform in your end of term exams? 0-25 marks 45-60marks 35-45marks 60-85marks 85-100 marks Do you believe that the internet can have an effect on academic performance? _________________________________________________________________ If so please state why?

Friday, October 25, 2019

Lorraine Hansberrys A Raisin In The Sun - Dreams Essay -- English L

A Raisin in the Sun - Dreams Dreams The play A Raisin in the Sun demonstrates the hardships and successes of the members of a black family living in the south side of Chicago during the 50’s. For the Youngers, dreams are life. They are what bring the family together and pull it apart throughout the play. Each member of the family has a particular dream, and each of those dreams is like a wall being built between its owner and various other members of the family. Everyone’s dream straddles the line between selfishness and goodness for the family; however, some, like Walter’s, seem to be pulled more by the gravity of selfishness. Both Mama and Ruth share the same dream, but each has a slightly different reason for her preference. Walter’s dream is the most apparent from the beginning of the play, and he presses his family and himself until he accomplishes his goal. Walter focuses so much on his dream, however, that he leaves no room for his family. One may ask, why is he so intent on his dream? Walter is out to prove something to himself, to his family, and to the world. He needs to show people that he is a man and is responsible. No one ever trusted Walter with anything important as can be seen when he says, â€Å"Ain’t nobody with me! Not even my own mother!† (Hansberry, 85). In all of his life, Walter was not allowed to grow into a man and bear the responsibility of his life and the lives of his family. Mama has always been the head of the family, and Walter never got the chance in his childhood to take responsibility with less important matters; therefore, when he is handed a check for $6500, Walter does what he never had the chance to do before. Walter’s father was a proud man who wanted his family t... ...s possessions in the minds of many people. They can tear apart a family like the Youngers, or they can grasp and control a mind like that of Walter. However, dreams are items not easily left behind, and if they were, what would become of the people who owned them? Dreams make up a part of the life of humans that without, who can say where life may lead a person. Probably nowhere. For without dreams, a human has no ambitions and no desire to make any impact upon the world. Without dreams the human race would be one of idle creatures that desire nothing more than to be like the cockroaches in this play, searching only for the necessities of life between periods of sleep. Maybe that would be better, though, for someone like Walter; after all, what has he done but be a burden upon society? Or will he someday succeed because of a dream, if only through his son?

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Influence of alcohol on youths life Essay

Alcohol abuse among the youths has become a major concern in the recent past in various parts of the world. Alcohol is one of the most abused drugs with more than 60% of homesteads having access to alcohol. While in the past alcohol was not termed as a drug, today it is the leading cause of many deaths in the United States especially among the youths. Alcohol use and abuse by the youths has significant impact on their mental development and other health issues. Alcohol has been known to compromise the capability of a person to perform some of the normal tasks and also other complex tasks, the ability brain cells to retrieve information and it also slows information recording by the brain cells. Alcohol also has the effect of degrading coordination and slowing down reaction process. Apart from destroying the brain, alcohol abuse leads to other physical health problems as well as social and economic problems (Buddy, para 2). Currently, most youths drink due to peer influence or just to appear superior to their peers. Drinking has become a major problem in most colleges as more young people engage in alcohol drinking. In America for example, research has established that almost 50% of all students consume alcohol even before they reach their 8th grade (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), para 1). This trend continues as the students continue to 12th grade with the frequency at which alcohol increasing as students’ sets on adolescent and early adulthood. Some of the negative impacts associated with youth drinking include risky sexual activities, high risks to societies and individuals through road accidents and subsequent deaths, alcohol stimulated or induced brain damage, increased crime such as homicide, assaults and rapes all associated with alcohol, poor academic performance and poor general health of youths who take alcohol among other effects (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), para 1-2). This research paper will thus evaluate the various negative effects that alcohol abuse has on youths’ lives as well as their families and the society as a whole. Effects of alcohol abuse on youths As mentioned earlier, alcohol abuse is the leading cause of deaths in the United States as well as other parts of the world. Unlike in the past where terminal illnesses were ranked as the first killers in the world, today alcohol has been identified as the major killer around the world a scenario which has been attributed to the exposure of individuals to alcohol. Alcohol is one of the oldest drugs in the world. However, its abuse especially among the youths has increased in the recent past and its effects are felt across all nations (Felsted, pp 16). One of the major impacts of alcohol abuse on youth’s lives is that it interferes with the normal development process of the brains. Current research has established that brain development continues through the early twenties in a person. However, the pre-frontal cortex which is the part which is responsible for controlling cognitive ability and reasoning develops later in life as it takes a longer time to mature. Drinking in the early ages by a person (before the complete development and maturity of the brain) thus affects a person memory as it damages the region of the pre frontal cortex. Most of the youths who begin drinking do so at tender ages when their brain cells are still at the development stages. Brain cells develop when individuals are young and excessive drinking interferes with this development making young people more ineffective and unproductive. Research has established that most of the youths start drinking before the age of 16 (Barnes & Brown, pp 45). During this period, it is the time when brain cells fully mature and intoxication with alcohol reduces or interferes with hormone release and functioning. Excessive use of alcohol reduces the capability of the brain to coordinate and integrate information thus interfering with good decision making process (Barnes & Brown, pp 45). Academic degradation is another effect of alcohol abuse amongst the youths. As mentioned above, alcohol interferes with effective brain development as well as the ability of the brain to integrate and coordinate information to make meaningful translation of assimilated information. The ability of a person to comprehend and perform complex tasks and also to control impulses is controlled by the pre-frontal cortex which is destroyed by early age drinking. Alcohol abuse also slows down a person’s ability to be creative and make mature and meaningful decisions. Most of the youths who abuse alcohol are in their college levels or junior classes. Due to the negative impact alcohol abuse has on brain development and concentration capability, such youths end up performing poorly in their course work. Poor academic performance has various implications both in the short run and long run life of a youth. Mostly, students who perform poorly in class or course work end up getting poor grades which in turn forces the students to retake a course or a unit. Students who are forced to retake a course usually find it to be offensive and end up dropping out of school. This has further implications in their later life as it is difficult to find a descent job without good grades. Also, students who perform poorly in their academics are unlikely to find good jobs to support them and their families in the future. They thus end up with blue collar jobs which are not capable of supporting them financially in the long run (Buddy, para 4-6). Poor academic performance by youths and the subsequent loss of welfare has significant impact not only to the youths but also the communities in which they live in. Youths are the energetic and creative generation which is entitled to take up community development projects and to take care of the younger ones in their families in cases where parents are old or incapacitated. When youths are involved in alcohol abuse, they are unable to bring development in their communities thus affecting the overall development of these areas. Also, the government loses out as there are few youths to employ in more sophisticated careers thus end up importing professionals which can be costly. Alcohol has not only destroyed the future lives of youths but it has also destroyed the welfare of the families, societies and the overall economic growth of a country (Barnes & Brown, pp 76). Another negative impact of alcohol abuse among the youths is that it leads to loss of jobs thus economic welfare. Alcohol is very addictive and once addicted; a person becomes alcohol dependence and cannot work effectively without it. Once in the blood stream, alcohol changes the normal functioning systems and makes it to become dependent on alcohol for functioning. Most of the young adults have lost some prestigious jobs due to alcohol addiction and abuse. Once fully addicted, a person cannot perform his or her duties and thus end up being retrenched or laid off from their work places. Loss of economic welfare renders a person incapable of feeding and taking care of his or her family leading to marital problems which may even lead to divorce or separation. Domestic violence associated with alcohol and drug abuse is the main reason given by most people while filing for a divorce. Alcoholics tend to become violent and unruly which have negative impacts on the children development. Most children who are brought up in families characterized by domestic violence tend to become reserved and perform poorly in class and they may even become violent later in their lives. Young married couples who abuse alcohol are more likely to raise unhealthy families and are even more likely to be violent and disorderly (NIAAA, para 5). Alcohol abuse among the youths also leads to increased crime and homicide cases. In America for example, over 36% cases of homicide which are reported are related to alcohol intoxication and abuse. 0% of these cases are reported to have been committed by young persons under the age of 25 years whose history verify excessive use of alcohol (Felsted, pp 22). Alcohol has different effects on adults and youths which make these two groups of individuals to behave different while under its effects. In adults, alcohol acts as a sedative which makes the adults to be more controlled even after they are totally drunk. On the contrary, alcohol acts as a stimulator for young people which make them to drink past the necessary or legal limits. Alcohol brings some kind of energy in young people which stimulates them to do things they would rather not do while sober. This explains why more homicide cases which are reported to be carried out by young people are linked to alcoholism. Other crimes which are commonly committed by young persons while under the influence of alcohol include rape cases, assaults and robberies. In America for example, over 45% of all rape cases are committed by young adults between the ages of 19 and 23 years while 44% of robberies and over 35% of assaults are all alcohol related. This is still the trend in most of the colleges where over 90% of all college rapes and violence are directly related to alcohol abuse. Most of the young persons who are imprisoned for homicide cases and rape cases attribute their actions to alcohol intoxication (Felsted, pp 25). Alcohol abuse amongst the youths is also an avenue through which most of the young persons are introduced to hard drugs such as cocaine, brown sugar, heroine and bhang. Young people are usually very eager and anxious to try out new things and love being adventurous. However, under the influence of alcohol, they become more vulnerable to be introduced to other dangerous drugs which are more fatal to their health as well as their lives. Under the influence of alcohol, young people are unable to make rational decisions which make it easy for them to fall prey of hard drugs abuse. Most of the young people who are today addicted to drugs say they were first introduced to such drugs during a drinking spree. Once introduced to such drugs, it becomes difficult to quit and even treat. Other health complications may arise which may not only be costly to treat but may lead to death. Drug addiction is hard to quit hence it can easily destroy the live of the youth (Barnes & Brown, pp 109). Death is also another negative impact of alcohol on youths today. Alcohol intoxicates the mind making a person to act and behave irrationally. As already mentioned, youths are in their development stages and they are very energetic, curious and explorative. Unlike their counterpart adults, they tend to make decisions at impulse without thinking of the consequences that may accrue. Most of the youths who commit suicide are said to have prior being intoxicated with alcohol and other drugs. Alcohol is a leading cause of suicide cases which are reported around the world. Apart from suicide, most youths also meet their death while driving under the influence of alcohol. It is normal for the youths to explore and try out different things to satisfy their curiosity. Drinking is one of the means of doing this and at times they end up driving under this condition. This is dangerous as a person is not mentally and physically stable to drive which leads to major road accidents and deaths. Accidents caused by driving under the influence of alcohol are usually fatal and may cause further harm to other motorists and pedestrians as well. Families end up losing their children in such accidents all due to alcohol abuse. Another influence of alcohol on youths is that it leads to increased sexual activity amongst the youths which exposes them to dangers of contracting sexually transmitted diseases some of which may be terminal such as AIDS. Alcohol intoxicates a person and hinders rational thinking and decision making. Under the influence of alcohol, youths engage in sexual activities without reasoning or even taking precaution. This exposes or makes them vulnerable of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. Currently, most of the persons living with HIV/AIDS virus are young people and they attribute it to alcohol and drug abuse. Such diseases are terminal and before a youth realizes he or she is infected, he can pass it over to others especially when drunk. Once infected with sexually transmitted diseases especially those which are terminal, a person feels worthless and may even become ill to an extent that he or she cannot work normally or may even commit suicide. Youths who are energetic, creative and future leaders and pillars of the world thus end up dying due to alcohol abuse (NIAAA, para 7). Alcohol also leads to poverty both for the youths and their families in that once a youth becomes infected with sexually transmitted diseases; their families are forced to cater for him which requires finances. Alcohol also has other health issues in the lives of youths. Alcohol is the leading cause of liver cirrhosis and kidney failure problems. Such diseases require a lot of money to treat and usually lead to diversion of money from other family welfare issues. This may easily lead to family poverty thus further complications in family matters. Alcohol abuse among the youths also leads to stress among the family members as they try to help the addicted person. Apart from economic constraints in the family for medical care, excessive alcohol especially amongst the youths makes them to become unruly and disorderly. They may also become abusive both physically and emotionally and sometimes sexually. This may cause trauma in families and may even attract legal suits against the perpetrator. Most of the youths are incarcerated as a result of alcohol abuse. This is also costly to their families as well as the youths (Felsted, pp 43-46). Alcohol drinking by the youths also affects their reproductive and maturation systems. During puberty and adolescence, young people experience rapid growth and set the onset of maturity to adulthood. During this growth and development process, different hormones are released to aid in maturity of an individual and development of reproductive system. Alcohol destroys or tampers with the production of growth hormones thus slowing growth and development of productive organs, bones, and muscles. Excessive alcohol intake by youths especially in males can cause impotence or immaturity in development of sexual organs. Women who take excessive alcohol during their youth may also become infertile or develop other fertility complications in the future. This affects the future reproductive health of an individual as such people may become incapable of procreating. This is also a major reason for family breakups and divorces in the world (Barnes & Brown, pp 116). Another heath effect of alcohol intake among the youths is that it lowers the immune system. Exposure to alcohol especially during the youthful years leads to suppression of the immune system of an individual making such a person vulnerable to illnesses and diseases. Chronic exposure to alcohol changes the pattern in which hormones are released in the body. Hormones are the ones which stimulate the immune system in the body and once they are altered, the immunity of a person is affected greatly. Low immune system exposes a person to various kinds of health risks and diseases such as liver damage (NIAAA, para 9). Alcohol abuse by youths affects their behavioral development. Usually, youths who are under the influence of alcohol tend to be rowdy and disorganized and pick fights with almost everybody even their parents and teachers. In colleges, such students’ education is terminated which may mean end of their careers and aspirations. Termination of education also means that they cannot get better paying jobs due to lack of proper school qualifications and certificates. Alcohol makes the youths behave in an immature and irresponsible manner despite where they are. Behaving irresponsibly also has legal implications on youths. Most of the rowdy youths who become a public nuisance are picked up by the authorities and may be taken to rehabilitation centers or juvenile courts. This delays their education and prolongs their time in school which in some instances can be humiliating especially when a student is schooling with younger students. Such students may end up dropping out of school which further decreases their chances of getting good jobs. Alcohol generally leads to poverty in the long run for the youths (Felsted, pp 67-68). Conclusion Youth drinking has become a major concern in most parts of the world due to the negative impact alcohol has had on the young generation. The youth comprise of over 30% of the total population and they comprise the future generational leaders. Alcohol has however changed some of the youths and corrupted their energetic and agile minds rendering such youths almost useless to the global economy. Alcohol abuse among the youths is the leading cause for their deaths, poor performance thus poor paying jobs for the youths, diversion of family financial resources to cater for huge medical bills associated with alcohol related ailments, diseases and rehabilitation costs. Effects of alcohol on youth’s awareness campaigns should be planned to ensure that the future generation is protected.