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The butterfly and the banana skin

The banana skin lay slap blast in the street. Tommy a jail superintendent, riding his bicycle on his way once more from the shops. Where he ...

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Unit 4 Discussion Example

Unit 4 Discussion Example Unit 4 Discussion – Coursework Example Unit 4 Discussion It takes an average of five seconds in order to decide whether to continue using the site or leave. Therefore, websites should not only be appealing to the user, but also have clear purpose, user friendly, and quick to load. Such a website should persuade visitors to visit the page in future. On the other hand a bad website usually has confusing layout, user unfriendly, unclear, use of and unbearable colors. An example of an excellent website is YouTube. YouTube is a video sharing website and supports different video technologies. This is a good website because it contains good animation aspects, attractive color coding, good template and it is user friendly. The site also opens fast and provides the user with different options of the subject one is searching for. The layout of the site is excellent and one is able to select the item being searched easily. The website has meaningful graphics and compatible on dissimilar browsers (Hurley, Chen, & Karim, 2014). Heaven .internetarchaeology.org is an example of a bad website. The website is disorganized with poor color scheme. The website is slow to load with poorly laid out content. Visually, it is extremely unappealing and it is poor to navigate. This means that the site is user unfriendly due to poorly optimized images. Additionally, the website has left out crucial information. One cannot tell exactly what it entails thus inconclusive (Heaven.internetarchaeology, 2014). It is evident that an excellent website attracts the intended target audience easily. There are excellent tips for designing excellent websites like, selecting and sticking to a good color scheme. This means that one should not change colors on every single page. One should select three principal colors to utilize. Secondly, the navigation system should be user friendly. Lastly, it is imperative o ensure that the content of the website is easy to understand and with the right font. By following these tips, one will be ensured of designing an excellent website (Martin, 2012).ReferencesHeaven.internetarchaeology. (2014). Love You. http://heaven.internetarchaeology.org/heaven.html#button Hurley, C., Chen, S., & Karim, J. (2014). YouTube. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/Martin A. (2012). 1O Tips: Designing a Good Responsive Website. Retrieved from basenew.net/2012/12/11.html

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