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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Human Resource Management Notes Free Essays

09/06/11 Human Resource Management Notes #1 A. Management vs. Leadership: ManagementLeadership Planning and Budgeting * What do we need? * How much time/money? | Establishing Direction: * What do you see? * What’s your vision? | Organizing/Staffing * Hiring the right people * Or delegating tasks | Aligning People: * Target followers * Share ideas/vision| Controlling and Problem-Solving * Keeping things working * Or addressing Issues| Motivating and Inspiring * Convince others * Get them on board| Maintain Predictability and Order * Monitor progress * Achieve results| Produce Change * End Result| B. We will write a custom essay sample on Human Resource Management Notes or any similar topic only for you Order Now We watched the video and took notes on the idiosyncratic conductor’s leadership and management style relating to his orchestras. The Four Interpreations of Organizational Processe HRM Notes #2 A. What is the Four Frames? i. The Four Frames is a method developed by Lee G Bolman and Terrence E. Deal by which organizational situations are viewed. This analytical tool reveals the veiled aspects of an organization’s dynamics B. What are the Four Frames? 1. Structural Frame 2. Human Resource Frame 3. Political Frame 4. Symbolic Frame C. Characteristics of the Four Frames: Structural * Metaphor = a machine * All about division of labor * Delegating roles * Involves a clear hierarchy * Exact processes * Setting Goals * Human Resources * Metaphor = a family * Open communication * Grow/Improve Skills * Identify bias/limitations * Resolve conflicts * Informal relationships * Political * Metaphor = Jungle * Competition * Power * Scarce resources * Bargaining * Advocating/forming c oalition * Symbolic * Metaphor = Temple * Values * Rituals * Image * Brand * Culture * Heroes * Meaning * Intuition D. Processes: * Strategic Planning: Structural = strategeties to set objectives and coordinate resources * Human Resources = Gathering to promote participation * Political = Arenas to air conflicts and realign power * Symbolic = Ritual to signal responsibility, produce symbols, negotiate meanings * Decision-Making: * Structural = Rational sequence to produce right decision * Human Resources = Open process to produce commitment * Political = Opportunity to gain or exercise power * Symbolic = Ritual to confirm values and provide opportunities for bonding * Reorganizing: Structural = Realign roles and responsibilities to fit tasks and environment * Human Resources = Maintain balance between human needs and formal roles * Political = Redistribute power and form new coalitions * Symbolic = Maintain image of accountability and responsiveness; negotiate new social orer * Eval uating: * Structural = Ways to distribute rewards or penalties and control performance * Human Resources = A process for helping individuals grow and improve * Political = Opportunity to exercise power * Symbolic = Occasion to play roles in shared ritual * Approaching conflict: Structural = Maintain organizational goals by having authorities resolve conflict * Human Resources = Develop relationships by having individuals confront conflict * Political = Develop power by bargaining, forcing, or manipulating others to win * Symbolic = Develop shared values and use conflict to negotiate meaning * Goal Setting: * Structural = Keep organization headed in right direction * Human Resources = Keep people involved and communication open * Political = Provide opportunity for individuals and groups to make interests known * Symbolic = Develop symbols and shared values * Communication: Structural = Transmit facts and information * Human Resources = Exchange information, needs, and feelings * Pol itical = Influence or manipulate others * Symbolic = Tell stories * Meetings: * Structural = Formal occasions for making decisions * Human Resources = Informal occasions for involvement, sharing feelings * Political = Competitive occasions to win points * Symbolic = Sacred occasions to celebrate and transform culture * Motivation: * Structural = Economic incentives * Human Resources = Growth and self-actualization * Political = Coercion, manipulation, and seduction * Symbolic = symbols and celebration How to cite Human Resource Management Notes, Papers

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